Maybe you're thinking of selling your home or you just want to add curb appeal. It may seem like a major overhaul is needed to truly impact your house's overall look. Actually, a few updates to the exterior can have significant impact on your home's façade.

Replacement Windows

The style and placement of your windows has a significant impact on the look of a house's exterior. Windows serve as the transition between outside and in. However, they also give your house its unique character.

How you replace your windows depends on the style of your home. For example, a contemporary home benefits from geometric placement and modern materials. A more traditional home looks best with symmetrical placement and wood or wood-look panes.

Replacing your windows can have the added bonus of increasing the efficiency of your utilities. According to Better Homes and Gardens, choosing energy efficient replacement windows can save you hundreds of dollars a year.

Roof Repair

You might not realize just how much of your house's façade the roof comprises. How the roof looks has a significant impact on how your whole home looks. Oftentimes, though, homeowners don't think about attending to the roof unless it's leaking.

First of all, take a good look at your roof. View it from the street, from the yard and even from the neighbor's yard, if possible. If you see and cracked or slipping shingles, they need replacing.

It may be that your whole roof needs replacing. In that case, you may consider upgrading the material. Wood, tile and slate are traditional roofing materials. If their cost is prohibitive, consider composite shingles that mimic the look of wood, tile or slate. Composite requires little upkeep and lasts a very long time.

Updated Entryway

The entryway is the literal greeting for your guests. Whether you have a porch or simple entryway, this space could probably benefit from a makeover.

An easy update is replacing the front door. Doors can have so much personality. You can choose one that's a creative color such as eggplant or deep fuchsia. You could choose a craftsman style with panes of glass and wood paneling. You could even choose a unique door such as a barn style or Dutch door.

For a porch, think about your house's style. Aim for a welcoming porch that blends seamlessly with the house's architecture. For example, remodel the porch using similar material to those found in the house. Likewise, use the same trim and fixtures. This creates a cohesive look between the porch and the house.

Replacing the windows, fixing the roof and updating the entryway are effective methods for improving your home's overall façade.
